



Astro Debate Show

Client: Astro
Year: June 2023
Project: Debate TV Show Branding Design

 "茶室吹水王" is a debate variety show that takes participants back to the 1970s in Southeast Asia while tasting "Kopi" (coffee) and "Roti Bakar" (toasted bread), allowing them to openly express their thoughts and bravely discuss livelihood and social issues.

The overall visual production direction is themed around the retro style of the 1970s in Southeast Asia. The graphic design references the clothing color trends of that era, extending them to the use of colors in the program. At the same time, colors are metaphorically likened to language, attempting to integrate different backgrounds, perspectives, and cultures. Each color represents different themes and emotions, reflecting the complexity of debating viewpoints through their interweaving and contrast.

The design also incorporates everyday items that locals still retain, such as prints of Southeast Asian coffee cups, raw and cooked eggs, and heritage windows, enriching the visual experience.

Hello! This is Humana Humana by Vanissa Foo Welcome to Humana Playground Follow @humana_art